Wednesday 29 July 2015

How To Bring More Clarity Into Your Business

Grand visions and strategies are not hard to think up; making them work is the problem. We are all exposed to numerous daily distractions which make obstacles to achieving the company's goals more and more hazy and even invisible. To see the major problems more clearly, they need to be examined not long after they occur - the only place where clarity can be found. Letting them retire in long arrays of corporate numbers, and various mental makeups takes the clarity away, brings more confusion and further diversions from desired goals. When left unobserved, the causes of complex issues become dissipated through multiple organisational channels and cubbyholes losing their wholeness and authenticity and breaking links between visionaries and doers. Decisions made in such circumstances make corrective actions (unknowingly) ineffective.

Improving clarity of decisions related to complex contexts like those of strategic and corporate nature assumes early recognition of causes with widespread consequences that can drift a company off course. It also requires a good understanding of their intertwined origins residing inside the company. 

Committing to practice and technique for turning the complex, seemingly chaotic situations into more orderly and controllable ones allows executives to see things from new perspective, assimilate complex concepts, and address real-world problems and opportunities. It is an indispensable tool for learning, teaching, interacting and sharing the systemwide knowledge with rewards that no traditional teachings and practices can offer - simultaneous improvement in profitability, operational performance, and quality of service. 

Have a go by following the three basic underlying principles:  

  • Simplify 
  • Focus 
  • Measure wide 

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